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Wednesday 29 July 2020

Wee(d)elicious! Part 1

கோழிக்கீரை or Purslane (Portulaca oleracea) Is a common sight through slight cracks of the pavements in Mumbai. With pretty yellow flowers and shiny leaves, this ubiquitous shrub is a tasty addition to your dals. The leaves don’t have to be cooked for long. Once your toor/ Moong dal is cooked, add purslane to your tadka before adding into the dal. Purslane has numerous health benefits thanks to its broad assortment of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins C and E and minerals. It also plays a crucial role in boosting the immune system.If you are looking to boost your beauty from within, purslane has a substantial amount of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that can benefit your skin.A word of caution with purslane is the high oxalic content in the plant. Do not consume raw. It has to be cooked before being eaten.
கானாங்கோழை or Bengal dayflower (Commelina benghalensis) is a very popular ingredient with the Jawhar tribes of Palghar district. They make a lovely sambhar with the plant.
 The plant is used in the zulu culture to reduce high blood pressure. It has also been effectively used to treat burns, sore throat, dysentery and rashes. The leaves are mucilaginous and a plant dye is extracted from the flowers. A little bit of information to keep in mind, is that this plant cannot be stored. So harvest on the day you plan to cook it.
Green Heaven Solanum Nigrum - Makoi Extract, Pack Size: 5 kg, Rs ...மணத்தக்காளி கீரை or Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) is less common but very useful plant to have. It is used very effectively in local south Indian cuisine to soothe and cure stomach ulcers. A mild soup is how these leaves are generally eaten. The fruits are generally given as a laxative. The leaves are rich in anti-oxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties. The leaves also have very powerful anti-viral properties, so adding this plant to your weekly cuisine will be a healthy choice.  
Alternanthera sessilis ผักเป็ดไทย DSCN9676.JPG | Weeds of Thailandபொன்னாங்கண்ணி கீரை or Dwarf copperleaf (Alternanthera sessilis) is a weed that deserves special treatment in this write-up. The plant has hepato-protective quality and is very useful during the treatment of jaundice. The weekly consumption of the greens, aids in improving skin and hair. It’s usefulness in keeping your eye sight sharp should be enough motivation to encourage growth of this plant around your home.

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